FAQs & Common Situations

I Have an Injury

Injuries or pain can be disabling, especially when they affect your quality of life and productivity. Our patients tell us that after they suffer an injury, they simply want to get back on their feet and healthy as quickly as possible with the least invasive treatment available.

Most simple sprains and strains can be treated with Rest, Ice, Elevation, and Anti-Inflammatories (link to HW article), however if the pain persists past a reasonable period of time, you should undergo an evaluation by a musculo-skeletal specialist.

Many men in particular often feel they can "tough it out" after suffering an injury, however delaying treatment for your injury can potentially lead to long-term consequences that would otherwise be easily avoided. Seeing a specialist immediately after your injury can make a major difference in avoiding long-term complications. In fact, some severe injuries are more easily treated if discovered early.

I Need a Physical

Many young athletes require a physical in order to participate in organized sports. A physical is one of the most simple and straightforward services we perform and usually takes less than 20 minutes.

During the physical, our physicians will take a brief medical history, check heart and lung function, test dexterity, and evaluate new or previous injuries. A physical is also a good opportunity to voice any concerns you may have about nagging injuries or pain that may not have in and of themselves required a dedicated visit.

What do I need for My First Visit?

First, welcome to Spine & Orthopedic Specialists! We take enormous pride in providing you with superior care in a comfortable and convenient office environment.

In preparation for your first appointment, be sure to bring the following items:

  • Insurance card
  • Co-payment due for visit
  • Insurance authorization
  • If applicable, workers compensation information
  • If applicable, any referral forms from your physician
  • If applicable, any X-Rays, MRI Films, CT Scans, or EMGs
  • If applicable, any pertinent medical history such as lab results
  • A valid form of ID such as a driver's license

Please fill-out the appropriate forms and bring them to your visit.
Click Here to Print and Fill Out Patient Forms

If you are in pain, try to avoid activities that may aggravate your symptoms.

We ask that our new patients arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time so that you have enough time to fill out additional paperwork and get checked in.

I'm Scheduled for a Test. What Now?

If our physicians determine that you should undergo a diagnostic test, we send the appropriate prescriptions and patient information to the testing facility. The testing facility will contact you to schedule an appointment.

We ask that you call our office once your appointment is made to schedule your follow-up appointment with our physicians.

I'm Scheduled for Surgery. What Now?

After one of our physicians determines that surgery is needed, you'll have an opportunity to work with our Surgical Coordinator to decide on the surgery date and location, and arrange any paperwork with the hospital or surgery center.

Prior to undergoing surgery, you will require a lab evaluation (i.e. Complete Blood Count), authorization from your insurance company, and a medical clearance from your primary care physician. We will work with you to arrange for all of this.

Several days before your surgery, you will undergo a pre-operative visit with the physician who will perform surgery on you to discuss the nature of the surgery, risks and benefits, usual post-operative course, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

We are privileged to play such an important role in your healing process and look forward to helping you find relief.

I've Had Surgery. What Now?

First, congratulations on completing your surgery. Our goal now is to facilitate the healing process and ensure the best possible result from your surgery.

The hospital will usually give you discharge instructions before you leave. It is extremely important that you follow these instructions, as failure to do so could "undo" the benefits for which we laid the groundwork during your surgery.

Most discharge instructions are as follows, but check the exact copy the hospital gives you to be sure:

  • Keep your incision dry for 7-10 days. This means you should completely avoid showering or bathing, and use only a sponge bath to clean yourself when necessary.
  • As along as your incision is draining, it should be covered.
  • Once your incision is dry, it can be left open to air.
  • Pain medications will usually be provided prior to discharge. Be sure to use these as directed.
  • Activity restrictions or bracing instructions will also be provided prior to discharge and should be followed carefully.

A post-operative visit is usually scheduled 1-2 weeks after your operation and is often scheduled for you prior to your surgery.

Congratulations on being on the path to recovery. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us during our regular business hours. In the case of an emergency, you can contact the physician after hours by calling the office's main number and asking the answering service to page the physicians. Call 911 if you require immediate assistance.

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